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South Korea Corporate Investigators, is a leading investigation and risk protection group that aims to provide high quality services all across the globe in support of its clients. more about us

Our Services

ipr investigator South Korea

intellectual property rights investigators

IP Rights Investigation Services in South Korea

Welcome to South Korea intellectual property rights investigators; we are proud service providers of IP Investigation Services in South Korea. As part of the battle against counterfeiting and piracy in South Korea, government of South Korea passed a law for the importation of counterfeit and pirated goods a criminal offence. As a supplier of counterfeiting goods, if the goods have been sealed then it would be confiscation and destructed. So only, IP investigations in South Korea are acting as the prime investigative procedures which are utilized to curb the IP thefts and various kind of fraud taken up by people in this sector. Today, variety of frauds are coming up as the part of huge sales, distribution and trading of counterfeit products in the high profile markets of South Korea. The worse conditions have made the people to utilize effective processes offered by IPR investigation services in South Korea who can put a check on these activities by effectively highlighting and exposing all unlisted and unrecognized black market industries.

Our range of major IP Investigation services in South Korea is mentioned below:

  • Trademark/Copyright Monitoring & Watch Notice Services in South Korea
  • Online Brand Protection Solutions & Reputation Management Services in South Korea
  • Test Purchases, Sample and Vendor Information in South Korea
  • Mystery Shopping Services for Customer Experience, Process Compliance & Audit in South Korea
  • Geographical Indication Mark Investigations in South Korea
  • Infringed Trademark, Patent and Design Investigation in South Korea
  • Intellectual Property Due Diligence Investigation in South Korea
  • Domain and Trademarks Acquisitions in South Korea
  • Anti Counterfeiting Investigations in South Korea
  • Market Surveys / Market intelligence Report in South Korea
  • Factory and Brand Integrity Auditing in South Korea
  • Grey Marketing/ Parallel Trading Investigations in South Korea
  • Internal Market Monitoring /Custom Protection in South Korea
  • Conduct / Organize Civil Raids and Criminal in South Korea
  • Trade Fair Monitoring / Trade Fair Visitor in South Korea
  • Online Brand Abuse / Brand Value Evaluation Report in South Korea
  • Counterfeited Automobile Parts & Pharmaceutical Drugs Investigations in South Korea

Intellectual properties always remained the hidden assets of a country which is utilized as the best constituent of the thriving economy of a country. Similar are the condition here in South Korea, where intellectual properties are getting to be the bigger assets and best utilized by country for strengthening the economy. However, the laws are enough strong to give warnings and punishment, still to catch the counterfeiters are difficult to trace. We at, IP investigators in South Korea are well equipped and trained to handle counterfeiting matters and well experienced to trace the main supply chain. Intellectual Property Investigation in South Korea is done best by our professional & trained team of South Korea IP Rights investigators.
Our IP investigators have brought out superior investigation services for excellent use of the people to resolve all issues on Intellectual properties. We are providing IPR services in South Korea and all cities including Seoul, Pusan, Tsche-mul-p-ho, Taegu, Taiden, Kwangju, Suigen, Goyang, Seongnam Ulsan.
The main aim of our intellectual properties investigators in South Korea is to identify and expose illegal transportation and commercialization of counterfeit products and services. To know, How to protect intellectual property in South Korea or to know more about intellectual property infringement in South Korea, kindly write to us at [email protected].